Dean Karnazes Letterman video

Your next guest, holds the record for the longest uninterrupted to run in history 262 miles and this is his new memoir entitled ultra marathon man, please say hello, to Dean Karnazes Letterman. Today here, where you from dean? I’m from San Francisco and how did this begin your interest in there really really really long running? “It started out when I was in kindergarten actually it started running home from kindergarten i felt sorry for my mom we had a third child so I said mom you need pick me up ball I’ll start running”, well so is this something about you physiologically that that makes you a good runner? or I mean are you a good machines? “I’m not really bright is this but yeah I I’ve been told that good bio mechanics them I’ll I’m in is good don’t promenade or soup in a right and I just believe in that”.

What is your resting pulse? “It’s about forty”, well that’s remarkable is a that’s pretty good because I think the average resting pulse is like 70 something, “I think it’s..yeah yeah”,. When you when you’re at a maximum stress what is your appalls them?. It goes up to 180 185, woah might so that’s extremely high as well as nerd, “yeah thats on high and the other tournament pushin”. And as so when you’re running like 262 miles what is your time per mile than an event like that is is it pretty impressive or these? various at from running up a hill I can be 1890 minute miles when last time I run at 262 miles last mile i run in that some 6 minute this flat and help get I want to get finish line are you getting over it. You run 361 miles and your last mile was under six minutes, Yes I finish line I am over there since I sprinted, well and you’ve also run some in addition the ultra marathons you’ve run the traditional marathon?,

“I’m too slow to run a marathon is like a spring time to slow connections to researcher, is that true? I’m not rough fast I can just go for a long time and, when you’re running a like to understand how how how long did it take you to run 262 miles? “I run for 75 hours”, 75 hours and and how how many days is 75 hours? “I run to a three nights without sleep, this run without sleep now do you find yourself able to does like to mention you as you’re running a little bit or not at all?, That’s a problem, yes yeah’ down this run I woke up on time in the middle of the road I, I didn’t really understood night connection what happened, then a happen again I realize I was sleep running I was falling asleep I just kept running, ‘yeah and are the are there other people who do this I mean I would guess it’s a small group of folks who are interested on it?

“There organized a 100 mile runs in there’s one at 235 miles long but that this 200-mile run as a relay race a twelve-person relay race is not a single person race and I just asked if I could do it by myself right as one person” So so you competed against other actual teams but as your own team by yourself, wow and how did you do with that you know I’m gonna be little the other teams right I beat a couple other a do what what is it about this that you enjoy? the pain I mean I like pain. Really? and and what about eating during a racial 200 miles long?.

I used to carry a cell phone and a credit card and a I stop along the way and if I’m in a remote Ariel your I’m ordered pizza before just have to deliver to me, and bring it down to the road that measure out on the race route they will not bring you a pizza in town where you gonna be in about the proximate time deliver pizza. And it is pizza good when you’re running that this is it is it from good for the body is a good fuel? Calories a good now pizza, cheesecake is especially, “cheesecake” a yeah. And how do you get all the cheese cake when you’re out running he ordered dessert with the pizza.

I see, I see a what was the the run through a Death Valley like that must’ve been unbelievably grueling. The temperature 130 degrees and got her in 30 I’m at one point my crew vehicle they handed add peanut butter jelly sandwich out the window they can handle crimes and I took it as China getting up moisture my mouth to actually take a bite am i bit into it it was toasted or not why they bring a toaster de ballet realize is bread was toasted was a hot. Really the ambient air was so warm the bread actually rehearsing and oh my god and and the the asphalt a course melting at 130 degrees your shoes would melt if you weren’t careful right? “You were you run the white line and I learned that the hard way my first pair shoes the souls not that of and I replace them and then stay on white line”.

And it was that your most physically challenging event so for?, “I think the 262 miles a lil more challenges because that their night without sleep yeah I’m cool psychotic yeah two nights says the to it and and and they the goal now I guess is 300 300 continue continual mile i’m gonna to try three hundred I and and are the are you question my intelligence? No, I think that was established earlier. But now the three hundred miles is that K are you capable of doing that?, I..we’ll see yeah I don’t know thats part of the challenge I think I can but you never know. Yeah and and when you’re running a 300 miles I mean where can you have races 300 miles long I mean here in the city the shutdown the city for the day but a 300-mile event you know you can’t close up shop for like 45 days while guys stumble around I’m at work where do you go on a 300 mile run?.

“We’ll use that same at the relay the Saturn really use the 109 Mile course others run 101 miles to the start of it by myself and then run their the relay course it’s on the road in the Bay Area”. So wait a minute before the race begins you actually run and hamper forty run to get to the race? I run 101 miles to the start of the race. Alright, Did your family run at all?. My kids run my wife runs if I’m chasing your conniving runner.

Well it’s interesting and good good luck and a will see again they say thank you very much Dean Karnazes Letterman its going to run now there you goes, will be right back everybody.